Ultra Pererin Llywbr Cadfan

Saturday 25th January 2025

Event Details

Ultra Pererin Llywbr Cadfan

Is a 210km pilgrims path from Towyn to Aberdaron in North Wales.

With an option of 40 hours to complete this is a must for all budding pilgrims with a 6am or 10am Start time

Friday the 24th of January 2025

You’ll make your way along this historic path and visiting the ancient churches along the way for your Pilgrims Passport to be stamped

The Pilgrims’ Cadfan Trail, a path steeped in history and spiritual heritage, invites you to retrace the steps of medieval pilgrims from Towyn to Aberdaron. As an ultra-marathon, this trail offers a unique blend of physical challenge and serene contemplation.

Embark on the Cadfan Ultra-Marathon — a transcendent journey through Wales’ ancient landscapes. Starting in the coastal town of Towyn, the course weaves through the picturesque countryside, past historic churches, and along the rugged coastline, culminating in the sacred destination of Aberdaron.

With every stride, embrace the tranquility of nature’s wonders and the echoes of the past. The Cadfan Trail is more than a race; it’s a pilgrimage of endurance, inviting you to discover not only the beauty of Wales but also the strength within.

Join us for an unforgettable experience where the spirit of the pilgrims endures, and the heart of Wales beats with every step of your journey. Register now and be part of the legacy that is the Cadfan Ultra-Marathon. 


Entry Options
Entries close Sun 08 Dec 2024
Ultra Pererin Llywbr Cadfan
Available £269.00 Enter
+Booking Fee : 6%
Sat 25 Jan 2025
Contact Info
Beautifully Brutal
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